The 411 On Cryo Facials: Process And Benefits

Your skin is important for many reasons. While it is the main part of your appearance and the first thing people see, your skin is also the largest organ of your body. Healthy and appealing skin acts as a protective barrier between the environment and your internal organs and blood. In addition, healthy skin improves your emotional wellness, boosting your self-esteem and confidence level. Of course, proper care is key to having healthy and attractive skin. Although there are many products and treatments available, facials are an excellent option for improving a variety of skin issues. With this guide, you will learn the process and benefits of a cryo facial.

The Cryo Facial Process

There are many forms of cryogenics, which centers on the use of extremely cold temperatures or ice to improve a person's health and wellness. For example, resting in an ice bath eases inflammation, helping reduce swelling and pain that may be affecting the muscles or joints.  

In a cryo facial, the same use of freezing temperatures/ice is used on the skin. The process is non-invasive and efficient and can be completed without anesthetic. To get started, the skin is cleansed before a vaporized liquid nitrogen is directed to the skin using a special cryo-probe.

While known as freezing the skin, cryo facials actually just blast the skin with very cold air using a special tool known as a cryo-probe. This blast of cold air causes vasoconstriction, constricting the blood vessels and capillaries. This helps improve blood circulation through the skin, reducing swelling and inflammation while helping flush out toxins.

The Cryo Facial Benefits

Reduced inflammation of the skin is one of the main benefits of a cryo facial. If you have redness or swelling or you are prone to acne breakouts, the facial can help. This reduced inflammation occurs as the blood vessels deep in the skin and the capillaries closer to the skin's surface are constricted.

The cold air also acts as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells, dirt, and debris from the skin's surface. By removing these dead skin cells, dirt, and other debris, the skin will appear and feel cleaner. In addition, exfoliating the skin's surface improves areas of uneven skin texture. The removal of dirt and other debris can also decrease your risk of acne breakouts.

As the cold air contracts blood vessels and capillaries, dark circles under the eyes and puffiness of the face are diminished. Many people also experience brighter, more youthful skin after a cryo facial.

Finally, cryo facials can tighten skin, decreasing and preventing fine lines and wrinkles that occur with age. The change in the skin's temperature that occurs rather quickly during a cryo facial improves blood flow, which stimulates the skin's production of collagen. This increased amount of collagen fills in fine lines and wrinkles while preventing younger skin from developing these common signs of aging.

The best candidates to undergo cryo facials are those experiencing minor skin conditions or anyone who wants to improve or enhance the youthful look and feel of their skin.

The facials are great options for anyone with large pores who experience chronic blemishes and acne breakouts. Cryo facials are also ideals for patients with eczema, uneven skin tone/texture, and skin discolorations, such as sun or age spots.

If you are developing fine lines and wrinkles or you want to prevent the development of these wrinkles, a cryo facial is smart.

While safe and non-invasive, cryo facials are not meant for every person or every skin disorder. Therefore, you should consult your physician or dermatologist to determine if your skin issue will benefit from cryotherapy for the face. 
