Scheduled For A Hemorrhoidectomy? 4 Steps To Make Your Recovery More Comfortable

If hemorrhoids are interfering with your life and your doctor has scheduled you for a hemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure, it's time to prepare for the recovery. Recovering from a hemorrhoidectomy can take several weeks, especially if you're having internal and external hemorrhoids removed. Your doctor will give you post-operative instructions that you should follow. In addition to those instructions, here are some tips that will make the recovery more comfortable for you.

Take Things Slow and Easy

After your hemorrhoidectomy, you won't feel like doing much of anything, and that's okay. You'll want to give your body plenty of time to recover from the procedure. While you're recovering, take things slow and easy. Go ahead and walk around a bit, but rest as soon as you get tired. To protect the surgical site, you'll want to avoid any heavy lifting until your doctor gives you the go-ahead to resume normal activities.

Watch What You Eat

After your surgery, your bowels may be a little sluggish. Unfortunately, sluggish bowels can lead to constipation, which will cause serious pain after a hemorrhoidectomy. To avoid the constipation, be sure to get plenty of fiber in your diet. You also need to drink extra water to help keep your stool softened. While you're recovering from your hemorrhoidectomy, you should avoid spicy foods that might irritate your anal cavity. Also, avoid eating anything that might cause diarrhea. Excessively loose stools can cause irritation while you're recovering from a hemorrhoidectomy.

Treat Your Anal Area Kindly

After your hemorrhoidectomy, you'll want to treat your anal area kindly. You may experience some pain and discomfort while you're recovering. You can alleviate those symptoms by being gentle to your anal area. First, enjoy frequent sitz baths while you're recovering. The sitz baths will reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process. Second, instead of using toilet paper, use moistened medicated pads to wipe your anal area after a bowel movement. Finally, dry your anal area thoroughly and carefully each time you bathe or take a sitz bath. A dry anus will heal faster.

Know the Warning Signs

If you're scheduled for a hemorrhoidectomy, it's important that you know the warning signs you should watch for while you're recovering. If you develop a fever or experience increased pain or swelling in the anal area, or if pus begins to drain from your anus, you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible. These are all signs of a possible infection that will need medical attention.
