Understanding The Causes And Treatments For Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a medical condition in which a person starves themselves. The condition leads to extreme weight loss and other health issues. Without proper treatment, the patient continues to decline, and this can affect both physical and mental health.

To receive the best treatment for anorexia nervosa, the treatment plan needs to address underlying causes and take into consideration which type of anorexia the patient has.

What Are The Types of Anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa has two subtypes that depend on how the patient restricts food intake. This restriction is the primary cause of excessive weight loss.

Restrictive Eating: Restrictive eating is severely limiting the intake of food for weight loss.

Binging/Purging: Binding and purging is when a person eats and then vomits to avoid digesting foods. This may also include abusing laxatives or diuretics.

In both types of anorexia, a person may use excessive exercise as a means to lose even more weight. An anorexic person never sees themselves as thin enough, so everything to lose weight is done in excess.

What Are Treatment Goals?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. This means it often has an underlying issue, such as body image disorder or as a means of control.

The treatment goals are to determine the underlying cause to best treat the patient. Some common causes include the following:

  • Peer Pressure
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Low serotonin levels

Anorexia medical treatment consists of finding the cause of the reduced food intake, if fear of weight gain plays a role and if a body image disorder is an issue.

Medical treatment facilities often use cognitive behavioral therapy to help change the thoughts and behaviors that lead to restrictive eating. So, the goal is to help change any distorted thoughts or beliefs that cause a person to restrict food.

In some cases, doctors prescribe medications, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, to help with any underlying mental health issues.

Can Anorexia Be Cured?

Most people with anorexia get better and learn to manage their symptoms and gain weight. However, as for a cure, not many are actually cured.

Some patients struggle with the disorder for years to keep it under control, while others eventually free themselves from their disordered thinking.

Where Can Patients Get Treatment?

If you or a loved one is dealing with anorexia and seeking help, look for a local treatment center. These facilities provide medical and psychiatric care to help patients recover and live healthier lifestyles.

Anorexia requires an understanding of the underlying cause for successful treatment, and many medical facilities that treat eating disorders provide the care needed.
