Household Pest Allergies: Can A Health Clinic Help?

If you cough, sneeze, or suffer from a host of other allergy symptoms, you may see your family doctor for care. But if your family doctor can't determine why you have allergies, ask a health clinic for help. You may actually suffer from household pest allergies. Learn more about household pest allergies and how a health clinic can help you improve below.      

What Are Household Pest Allergies?  

Household pests, such as cockroaches, dust mites, and rodents, can leave behind all types of allergens, or substances, in your home, including body casings, fecal matter, and urine. Some pests can even shed dead skin cells on the carpets, fabrics, and furnishings in your home.

The allergens in your home can trigger a negative response or reaction in your body's protective immune system. Your immune system will try to get rid of the offending allergens by making you cough and sneeze. You may even suffer from stuffy nasal passages, puffy eyes, and strange headaches throughout the year.  

If your allergies become unmanageable, seek care from a health clinic soon.        

How Can a Health Clinic Ease Your Allergy Symptoms?

A health clinic will use a number of methods to determine the cause of your allergy symptoms, including skin allergy tests. A health clinic will expose you to small dosages of different allergens. The tests will help narrow down the type of pest allergies you have and why.    

After a health clinic determines the cause of your allergy symptoms, doctors will administer your treatment. The treatments for pest allergies may include allergy shots and oral immunotherapy. Allergy shots require a clinic to administer your medication via the skin. The medication prevents your immune system from becoming active around allergens. The shots can effectively treat all types of allergies, especially dust mite allergies.  

Oral immunotherapy, or sublingual immunotherapy, requires you to place your allergy medication directly under your tongue. The medication contains tiny amounts of allergens, including the allergens that cause pest allergies. Oral medication works best for people who suffer from nasal, or nose, allergies.   

In addition to the treatments mentioned above, a health clinic will provide you with instructions or recommendations on how to keep your home free of allergens. For example, you may need to clean your home or vacuum your carpets multiple times a week to keep your allergy symptoms down. 

Learn more about allergy treatments by contacting a health clinic today.
