What Are Your Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids?

If you've been experiencing pelvic or lower back pain and unusually heavy periods, your gynecologist may have diagnosed you with fibroids -- benign uterine tumors that can disrupt your menstrual flow and cause you to have especially severe cramps. Because these tumors can be triggered by the production of estrogen and progesterone, many women begin developing them during puberty, and they can continue to grow during childbearing years. Although some fibroid tumors can shrink or even disappear on their own, if the growth of these tumors goes unchecked, they can cause infertility or even begin spreading to other parts of your reproductive system. Read More 

Moving Beyond Pills: The Interdisciplinary Approach To Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit their doctor – NPR reports that 10% of visits to primary care physicians involve back pain. And with people spending more time sitting and less time exercising than ever, it seems likely that this problem isn't going away any time soon. If you suffer from back pain, you should know that the most common treatments aren't necessarily the best ones. Read More 

4 Warning Signs Of Cancer

There are so many different types of cancer that it can be hard to know what to look for to keep yourself protected. For instance, breast cancer and brain cancer each have their own set of symptoms. However, just because each type of cancer has its own way of presenting itself doesn't mean that there aren't some general things to look for. Here are some of the early warning signs of cancer so that you can protect yourself. Read More 

Types Of Allergy Testing

With all of the technology running around, as well as modern scientists' understanding of the human body and how it reacts, allergy testing has come a long way. Years ago, it was hard to tell if you were allergic to something via any test that a doctor could do, and even then they could not always nail down exactly what you were allergic to. Now methodologies have advanced and allergy testing is nearly painless and much more reliable. Read More 

Children’s Vision Problems To Be Aware Of

Parents are often satisfied with the vision screenings that are performed in school or at the doctor's office during yearly well child visits.  These screenings typically involve the child reading lines on a chart in order to measure distance acuity.  In other words, these screenings only test for nearsightedness.  They tell you whether or not your child can see things at a distance.  In order to get the most accurate picture of your child's vision, you should see an eye doctor instead of relying on screenings. Read More